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mass memory中文是什么意思

用"mass memory"造句"mass memory"怎么读"mass memory" in a sentence


  • 大容量存储器
  • 海量存储器


  • However , because of the low speed of program operation and the invalid blocks of flash memory , if we want to make it the storage medium of solid state recorder on the spacecraft , several problems need to be resolved : 1 ) how to improve the speed of program and erase operation of flash memory ; 2 ) how to map out and bypass the invalid blocks and effectively manage the mass memory space
    但是由于flash的写入(编程)速度慢、存在无效块等问题,使要将其应用于星载大容量存储器,亟待解决以下几个问题: ( 1 )如何有效地提高闪存的编程和擦除速度; ( 2 )如何标识和旁路初始和使用过程中出现的无效块,并有效地管理大容量数据存储器。
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